mechanical seals

The ASI Model 595 offers a patented self-circulation heat removal system; the first seal pumping system that actually removes heat from the sealing faces while providing maximum movement of liquid within a compact design.

Pumping Device- The self-circulation device extends the full distance between the inboard and outboard seal faces, removing heat at its source and venting it into the flush outlet. This insures lubrication and cooling to both sets of sealing faces while the seal is circulating fluid.

Application Versatility- The Model 595's pumping feature is engineered into a seal design which fits all standard ANSI pumps. This patented design also enables the Model 595 to successfully perform in vertical applications and provides ideal usage in gas pressurized barrier fluid systems. 

Increased Seal Life- All of the Model 595's o-rings and secondary sealing surfaces are virtually static under normal service conditions and are not required to adjust for misalignment. The rotary seal face o-rings (typically the "weakest link" in most pumping designs) are protected, guaranteeing optimum seal life and superior seal performance.